Help Us Motivate and Give Hope to Children Around the World
The Amobi Okoye Foundation was established as a 501(c) (3) in 2007 as a means of giving hope to kids, communities and building unity among the children of the world.
Through initiatives such as Kickoff 4 Kids Play 60, Tackle Hunger, Movies & Motivation, Books Abroad and C.A.T.E, the Foundation has supported efforts to improve education, reduce hunger and promote academics through sports.
Additionally, the Kickoff 4 Kids program provides College Scholarships with partners such as University of Houston, University of Louisville and Alabama A&M University.
The Foundation’s mission is to Provide hope to kids and communities around the world, using Athletics to promote Academics.
The programs of the Amobi Okoye Foundation can be categorized into two main groups: Domestic Youth and Community Programs, and International Outreach based in Nigeria, West Africa.
The programs of the Amobi Okoye Foundation can be categorized into two main groups: Domestic Youth and Community Programs, and International Outreach based in Nigeria, West Africa.
Kickoff 4 Kids is the domestic division of the Amobi Okoye Foundation. K4K is a series of youth centered activities that provide motivation to youth to foster self-esteem, inspiration & academic scholarships.
C.A.T.E - Changing Africa Through Education is the international division of our foundation. Its mission is to provide hope to needy children in impoverished communities through education & community building.
C.A.T.E - Changing Africa Through Education is the international division of our foundation. Its mission is to provide hope to needy children in impoverished communities through education & community building.
Amobi Okoye
Amobi Okoye
The Amobi Okoye Foundation, Inc. was founded in 2007 by Houston Texan defensive lineman Amobi Okoye. The Foundation’s mission is to Provide hope to kids and communities around the world, using Athletics to promote Academics.
Amobi entered high school at the young age of 12 and he distinguished himself both athletically and scholastically. He then graduated Lee High School in Huntsville, Alabama at 15. Amobi’s academic prowess was evident to all; he was offered a scholarship to Harvard University, which he turned down in lieu of a football scholarship to the University of Louisville.
After four football seasons and three and half years of study, he graduated with a degree in psychology, and became the youngest player to ever be drafted into the NFL at 19. Amobi has a passion to help children by giving them hope for the future and letting them know they can achieve great things.
Amobi is equally passionate about seeing communities transformed. He believes that through partnership and collaboration we can see the inner cities of America renewed, and impoverished nations enriched.
Amobi Okoye Foundation. All Rights Reserved.